Time is your most valuable asset

This post by Inc. spells out 20 life truths that we fail to come to terms with often and in other cases just don’t realise. There are a few points in there that revolve around time that resonate with me most.  Time is our greatest asset and we can choose how we spend that time. Instead of throwing money at a cause have you thought to give some time instead – it is worth so much more and can lead to so much more good. And how often are you focused on your now? The time is now. Why dwell on the past or consume yourself in thoughts of the future. Make the most of your time now, after all it is your most valuable asset!

“You can’t control the past, and you can’t predict the future, and trying to do so only removes you from the one thing you can control–the present.”



Does your organisation have a powerful social conscience?

In the below image, Kerry Topp points out that thinking about social impact in your organisation is a great way to attract talent. In fact this is one of the qualities people look for when looking at organisations they would like to work for.

Is social impact intertwined in your business? In light of the difficulty faced by many businesses in attracting talented employees, it may be necessary to think about your social conscience.



I stumbled on the following quote and thought it was interesting. I don’t know the origin of it but here it is:

“To get to 10 employees, founders must delegate activities in which they are weak. To get to 50 employees, they must delegate functions in which they are strong”

To delegate in areas you are weak makes sense and you probably wouoldn’t have a problem with that, but it’s the second part of the quote which is harder for people to come to terms with.

Would you delegate in areas you are strong?


Are you creating deep connections with your people, customers and communities?

Kerry Top shared the below infographic stressing the importance of businesses creating deep connections by focusing on their ‘why’. In his words “creating purpose and positive social impact are powerful attracting, sustaining and motivating forces.” Keeping such thoughts at the core of business is said to be good business.

So ask yourselves, are you focusing on your why and creating deep connections to drive business? If not, it’s time to think about how you can bring this into your business strategy.


A leap of faith

Today I take a leap of faith. Today I’ll be leaving behind my familiar surroundings in NZ to move my life to the vibrant country of India! I’m both scared and excited at the same time, and also quietly confident that everything will work out, and that this is the right move to be taking. Time will tell how things go, but even if things don’t work out so well I know it will all be a massive learning experience. So nothing to lose really! Eek, here we go…


Which innovation model is best for you?

With innovation at the forefront of many CEO’s and businesses minds, it is important to consider which innovation model is most appropriate for them and ensure that they have the relevant skills and expertise to succeed. The below infographic found in this post shows us 6 innovation models and displays the characteristics unique to these models:
